Odorizzi Giuseppe S.r.l.
Porphyry extractors and processors
For three generations, and over half a century, Odorizzi Giuseppe s.r.l. have been involved in the extraction and processing of Trentino Porphyry, a material with ancient origins which has made an indelible impression on Italian history and culture.
Our company has its headquarters and laboratory in Fornace (TN) as well as a porphyry quarry in Albiano (TN), and boasts decades of experience in extracting and transforming porphyry into beautiful natural stone materials. Most mining activity takes place at a quarry in Montegorsa, where our staff use a specific technique, which uses explosives to detach stone from the foot of specially cut steps. The material is then cleared of debris, and the natural stone is evaluated by experts. After that, workable porphyry is separated on-site according to its quality, size and thickness - always in line with the standards.
For years, our company mission has been to deliver "turnkey solutions for natural stone" - from extraction to installation of porphyry materials. Primary and secondary processing takes place at the quarry in Albiano (TN), before we process the stone's surfaces in the technical offices at our headquarters in Fornace (TN).
Odorizzi Giuseppe s.r.l. uses the most advanced technical equipment and employs highly specialised personnel in this process, ensuring results that elevate us above our direct competitors. At the same time, our quotations are competitive compared to the national and foreign marketplace. The main characteristic that distinguishes our services is reliability. We guarantee a high level of quality via advanced technical solutions and materials, and we approach every project with a degree of professionalism which ensures impressive results across all of our products and services.
Above all, the main objective of Odorizzi Giuseppe s.r.l. and of the Consorzio Porfido Italia Porf-it® is customer satisfaction. We want to establish clear, productive and serene relationships with everyone we work with.
At the core of our commitment to clients lies a level of professionalism which guarantees that:
- Clients will receive valid technical advice regarding the most suitable solution for every need;
- Clients will receive the best products and services, resulting from constant research and rigorous internal and external quality control;
We will have complete control during all projects regarding workplace safety, that all personnel will be properly qualified, and clients will be kept updated at every stage.